Monday, 26 December 2011


I finally went back to Japan.

It is just only since for 1 year and half. But it reminded me a lot.
When I arrived at Narita airport and saw a sign "おかえりなさい",
I felt relieve and nearly cried.

My home is comfortable and Japanese foods since for a long 

time are really delicious. I'll also have a plan to meet my 
Japanese friends. I'm really looking forward to it.

And I was concerned about my cat already forgot me because 

I’ve missed her for a long time. But when I went home and met
her, she started playing with me same as before after blank look.
I felt relieve indeed. My cat remembered me!

I’ll stay for 2 weeks. So I’ll try to enjoy as much as possible!!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Beer time

I think most essential thing for life in here is beer.

Everyone really like to drink alcohol in pub after work.
There are tons of pubs everywhere in here. Compared
with Japan, they drink only alcohol without any foods.
I want to drink beer with foods. But according to them,
it’s a culture.

My company provides beer from 17:30 every Friday.
We call beer time. We can work with beer. what a nice!
I heard this situation is not only my company but also 
other creative company in soho. It’ a culture too.

I think most difficult situation to use English is to talk 
drunken people. But at the same time I’m drunken too. 
And nobody don’t mind my poor English. Therefore, 
nice situation to practice English.

Thanks for beer, my weight is getting fat...
But I hope my English skill would be better. Cheers!

Monday, 19 September 2011

English Tea

Before come here, I preferred to drink coffee instead of tea.

But nowadays I already changed crazy English tea lover.
Our company provides some kinds of drinks for employee.
They seem to drink tea a lot even though there are tons of Coke.

They normally drink tea with milk and sugar. It looks standard style.
We sometime drink tea as a straight in Japan. But I’ve never seen.
I also drink about 4-5 cups in a day. I’m already influenced by them.

And tea bag is so cheap. I can get 50 tea packs box with 90p(100Yen)
at supermarket. Of course there are so expensive bland which are used
by royal family. But even cheap tea bag, it's enough and tasty for me.

English tea is close to our daily life.

When I drink tea in the afternoon, I realize that here is Britain!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Documentary Film

This story is short while ago.
As I wrote before, I was filmed for my friend’s documentary
film last year. Finally I received DVD from her!!

Title was HALF. And featured two Japanese persons include me.
The person who live not only one country but also other country
can know the difference of each side. I taught HALF meaning
is like this. It was good documentary film more than I expected.

Of course it was really really quite shameful for me. I felt I never
used to watch me into film by myself. This film recorded my start
of London. When I think of it, it was variable film and experience.

But I can say that I’m not suitable for actor. Absolutely!!

Monday, 12 September 2011






Sunday, 7 August 2011


I had paid holiday about 10 days since I started to work.

The purpose was to invite my mother and to go to vacation.
My current visa and contract will expire next April. I don’t know until
when I can continue to stay here. So I thought it’s good chance.
Finally my mother and her friend came and went together.

It’s too enough to stay only at London for 10 days, I recommended
to go to Italy. I went before and it was so beautiful even winter season.
I’ve been thinking to visit again. Even for me it was long awaited event. 

I planed all schedule to research hotel, place, book flight like tour guide.
It was little bit heavy but really fun and enjoyed to spend time with them.
Italy in summer was exactly amazing. Of course London too.

If I didn’t decided to come here, may be we wouldn’t have a chance to
visit there. I hope change of my life would be good influence for my
important persons. I think so.

As an aside, I took big Japanese rice cracker box which was brought
by my mother as a souvenir to my coworker. They really loved so much.
It disappeared within 15 minutes!

Friday, 8 July 2011


I don’t know this word is exist or not.

But one of my homesick is definitely catsick. I’m a crazy cat lover
instead of dog. I’ve been missing my cat about one year. I ‘m really
worry about my cat already forgot me. When I talk to my family,
I try to say something to her but her reaction was nothing..

It seems there are more dog lovers in London. I have no chance
to contact any cats and of course there are no cat cafe in here.
I heard one cat sometime comes to our backyard. I never seen.
So I’ll try to contact with special cat food. It’s no cheating, isn’t it?

For your information, our cat’s name is Yume. Because she
always sleeps anywhere anytime. That’s why we named her.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


I’m normally enjoying to live in comfort here every day.

But I sometime get homesick especially when I catch
a cold or not get well my work. And it comes periodically.

To tell the truth, I’ve been getting homesick recently days.
I really miss Japanese family and friends. Living here is so
fun but at the same time I feel so lonely. Contacting different
culture is really exciting experience but at times It's stressful.
I want to show my weakness. I know that time will tell...

Good solution for homesick is to charge Japanese essences.
Watching Japanese movie, eating Japanese food etc. There 

are some good Japanese restaurant in soho. I went kurukuru
sushi restaurant. I’m basically optimist, this sick will disappear.

I’ll go back to Japan end of year. I’m really looking forward to go.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

English Name

My name is Yousuke.

Yousuke is popular name in Japan. But it seems little bit a 

difficult to pronounce for foreigner. I always teach them correct 
pronunciation. I was sometime thinking about my English name. 
Because some of my friends who didn't born at English-speaking 
countries have English name as a nickname.

I went to curry night few days ago. This event is hold every couple
of months with coworkers. It's good chance to meet other people.
In the event, surprised thing happened. One guy suddenly stood up
and said. “We present English name to Yousuke! it’s Charles!!”
It was so suddenly. Finally I got English name!! what a royal name!
I think probably half kidding. But It seemed I was greeted by them 

at MPC. I was really really happy.

I’m already called Charles from some people even client.
I’m wondering until when will my English name continue to use.

Sunday, 12 June 2011






Saturday, 28 May 2011

White Night

It is bright even 9pm recently days.

It was dark and exactly night time after work in Japan.
But even thought I had to overwork, sky is still bright in here.
This phenomenon usually gives me a illusion of time like a
one day is longer than 24 hours.

Moreover it’s really good combination with drink beer outside
of pub! It’s sometime still cold but basically very comfortable.
It was always cold and cloudy or rainy until two months ago.
I feel that summer is approaching around here.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Oyster Card

I lost my monthly oyster card because of my mistake.

I repurchased and got new card. Fortunately or unfortunately
my new oyster was limited edition. Because limited edition was
designed about royal wedding. it’s already out of fashion for me...

I had to transport information from old card. It was quite hard.
They provides only telephone support for that. It was stupid...
Most of operator speak so fast and not kindly. I tried 3 times and
finally I could. I disappointed my poor English skill every time.
But I think they should more friendly and kindly for us!!

Thursday, 19 May 2011


I had a misconception thing for a long time.

What do you guess a meaning of this photo sticker?
I sometimes see this sticker especially motorcycle in London.
I taught L is L of London and popular sticker like I love New York.

But answer was wrong. L means L of learner. That is like a
biginner driver mark in Japan. It looks cool but so rough.
I think this feeling is exactly London.

Monday, 9 May 2011

New Flat

I didn’t write my blog for a long time,
So my post will mix past and current thing for a while...

I moved my flat. This is my third flat in London. I realised that
I didn’t post about my second flat. First I’ll describe about second
flat in Turnham Green. The place was located Chiswick where is
for upper class resident area and very beautiful place.

Second flat was near my English school about 10 minutes by walk
and 15 minutes to my CG school by bus. So very convenient place
and I liked it. But on the other hand flat payment and other price of
commodities were expensive for me. However I sometime invited
my classmates. And I wasn’t work, so I spend almost time there.
Second flat was very memorable flat for me.

Now I moved to Shepherds bush. The place is along central line.
Compare to previous city, Shepherds bush is more mixture city
like a down town. It isn’t dangerous and very convenient to go to
my company within 25 minutes. And Good point is that there is
biggest shopping center in Europe named Westfield.

My room is top attic room in house. Though it’s very small, my
room has big roof window. Bright sunlight and comfortable wind
always enter my room. The reason why I decided to stay here.
Above all reasonable payment too.

From April, new flatmates came here from Japan to use working
holiday visa like me. I already have been stayed about 9 months.
Time passed so fast but at the same time there were so many
things to happen during this 9 months. 
I wonder what will happen this year.

Monday, 2 May 2011




ネット上や街角でよくPRAY FOR JAPANという運動を見かけます。

Saturday, 26 February 2011






Monday, 17 January 2011

Work Environment

I finished my first week at new company.
It was really great company more than I expected.

MPC is located in center of London. The place is so cool. And
coworker are not only British people but also many foreigners.
Exactly international work environment. So very good place for
practice English. But to tell the truth, I really really realize my poor
English skill. May be worst among all... I have to improve quickly.

My big surprised was their values of work. Though their works
are so great, they basically don’t do overwork and holiday work.
When I was working in Japan, I usually had to overwork everyday.
And I sometime had to continue to stay all over night at company.

Of course they have to do depends on cases and near deadline.
But basically they are forbid to overwork without permission and
schedule is planing without overwork. Quite different to Japan.

I want to continue to work as long as possible in this company.
And I also want to get a lot of experiences about not only VFX
skills but also their culture and values of work and life.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

I Got Job!!

I got a big chance!!
I’ll be able to start working as a Computer Graphics Artist.

It was suddenly event. My CG school teacher introduced
me to some companies' recruiters end of last year. And 
I received one recruiter’s contact and had a chance to
take interview end of last week.

And I finally got official offer from the company!!
The company is MPC. (

MPC provides many Hollywood movies and commercials.
I'll start to work in commercial department from this week.
I'll contract three month as a trial and after that if possible,
I’ll be able to contract one year until end of my visa period.

I'm so exiting and at the same time I feel so strong pressure....
But this is start of my dream. I'll do my best!!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Happy New Year!!


I went to new year’s fireworks event at London eye.
We gathered along the river Thames and counted down to 2011.
When 2011 came, we could see so many fireworks our overhead.
Exactly It was my imagination of new year event in foreign country.
It was so excite and beautiful.

I hope this year would be great one for me and you.
Best wish for you.